Don't we all love reunions? Here's a touching story about how two brothers reconnected after 74 years apart. Both were separated by the subcontinent's partition (India and Pakistan) in 1947. Siddiqi was an infant at the time of separation and grew up in the Pakistani city of Faisalabad.
His elder brother Habib is raised in Phularwan, India. When Pakistan and India agreed to open their borders, numerous stories of reunion were reported, and this is one of them.
Brotherhood never dies, as demonstrated earlier this year when the brothers traveled to Kartar Purr, Gurdwara, and reconnected after a long absence. The brothers embrace each other and burst into tears of joy.
According to some sources, social media plays a significant role in their reconciliation. The younger brother created a video about his search for his brother, which was divided by a partition.
This was later witnessed by Habib's family in India. They will be able to contact Siddiqi's family and make plans to reunite the brother in the Kartar Purr corridor. Their meetup video went viral on social media, and the news spreads around the world.
A positive government initiative assists in meeting these brothers in their final stages of life. In our society, this is a true example of siblings' unending love and affection, even when situations and circumstances conspired against them.
This is the best case ever on sibling's day, and it must be quoted and written in gold words. Similarly, the Remit Choice isn't doing much to connect people across borders and ensure that love and affection are securely transferred to loved ones in different countries.
The company acts as a bridge, instantly connecting loved ones and transferring their hard-earned money to siblings, families, and friends at the best exchange rates and with no fees.