The entire world observed a holiday on May 1st to honor workers and laborers everywhere. The goal of World Labor Day is to recognize workers' struggles and contributions. In 1886, a bloody clash between striking workers and Chicago police officers inspired this day. This day, however, was officially recognized as a memorial to the battle's victims at the first international socialist congress in Paris in 1889. Since then, various countries have observed this day on various May dates. Countries' economies are built on the backs of workers. They work around the clock to keep the global economy stable. It is time to support laborers who are involved in both the mental and physical aspects of completing the required work. Laborers risk their lives to provide for their families. On this day, the worker union organizes a number of public events to demand fair pay and decent working conditions. Work-life balance refers to the right of every employee in any organization to spend time with their families. Promise to respect the workers around us and to assist them in improving the global economy. Workers should be proud of themselves because they devote their mental and physical energy to completing tasks and ultimately achieving company and national goals.